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We have created this page to help private landlords check that their rent is correct and that it complies with RPZ rules.
Whether you are a Landlord letting out accommodation or a Tenant renting accommodation you both have rights and responsibilities.
Submit details to report suspected unregistered tenancies
The Research and Data Hub provides information on the number of tenancies registered at a national and regional level, information on the number of applications for the RTBs dispute resolution service and up to date rental price developments.
Rights and responsibilities and guidelines for beginning a tenancy
Guidelines and templates for ending tenancies
Landlords are obliged to register a tenancy every year
Tribunals • Mediation • Outcomes • Enforcement • Guidelines
Find previous outcomes and determination orders for adjudications and tribunals
Useful templates and forms from RTB Guides
The latest RTB news and information updates can be found here.
RTB's published research and statistics can be found here.
To find RTB's most recent and previous publications click here.
Have you registered your tenancy for 2024?
Featured News and Press
All NewsNews
Scheduled maintenance: Delays expected to tenancy registration and account creation
Data Protection Analyst (HEO level) Recruitment Competition
Clerical Officer Recruitment Competition
Residential Tenancies Board Releases Director’s Quarterly Update
Notice: RPZ Campaign Follow-Up Text Messages