A Rent Pressure Zone (RPZ) is a designated area where rent increases are capped. Currently, rents in a RPZ cannot be increased by more than 2% per annum pro rata or if it is lower, by the increase in the rate of inflation as recorded by the Harmonised Index of the Consumer Prices (HICP).  This restriction applies to new and existing tenancies in RPZs.

There are certain circumstances where a landlord may be exempt from the restrictions on rent amounts in a tenancy in a RPZ. Where this is the case, landlords must inform the RTB that they are relying on a particular exemption to the RPZ rent caps. The RPZ Exemption Form and relevant documents must be sent to the RTB within one month of the setting of the new rent under the tenancy.

More information on Rent Pressure Zones is available on the RTB website here

The data presented in the following table relates to the number of RPZ Exemption Forms received by the RTB from Q3 2019 onwards. 

For further information on the data please contact  Research@RTB.ie.

Figure 1: Rent Pressure Zone Exemption Notifications Received by the RTB, Q3 2019 - Q4 2024

Figure 2: Rent Pressure Zone Exemption Notifications Received by the RTB by Exemption Type, Q3 2019 - Q4 2024