Customer Services Update – 3 May 2022

The RTB continues to experience high volumes of calls, web-chat, and emails with respect to registration and we apologise for delays in responding to our customers.  There is currently at least a 14 day turnaround in registration emails.  The RTB is experiencing delays in the verification of new RTB accounts with the PPS number and date of birth.  Action is underway to reduce these waiting times and further technical changes are being made this week.

Many of our incoming calls are from landlords trying to understanding annual registration and what that means for landlords.  Explanatory information is available here. And we do hope you find this information useful.

If you have received correspondence from the RTB, requesting that you make an annual registration, please follow through the instructions in this letter, but again, there is some additional time available to you, due to the transition period.

If it is the first time that you have engaged with the RTB’s new online system, there are some steps that you will need to take to verify your account, using landlord’s PPS number, date of birth, and your name as stated with your PPS number.  To assist in this one-off account creation process, you may find the following information useful here.

If you are making a new registration or an annual registration, a transition period is currently in place, meaning that any new registration or annual registration, has a window for payment up until and including 3rd August 2022.

As a landlord, if you have kept your correspondence details up-to-date, the RTB will either write to you, or email you, a month before the anniversary of the tenancy commencement date that the RTB holds.   For many landlords, there is no requirement to make an annual registration for many months yet.

For example, if a tenancy commenced on the 12th November 2019, the RTB will issue a reminder to you shortly after the 12th October 2022 and then you can make the registration.

If you have set up an online account, and you cannot see any of your tenancies in the area called ‘Manage Registrations’ then you will need to try to link these tenancies onto your account.  You will find further instructions here, but the key information you should have to hand are:

If you want to make an up-date to a tenancy that you hold, this can be done in two ways:

There is no fee for an up-date to an existing registration.

The Customer Services Team