Registration and Customer Services Up-date
The RTB continues to experience high volumes of calls, web-chat, and emails with respect to registration and we apologise for delays in responding to our customers.
Our web chat remains very busy, and we will have more staff this week to answer webchats. Sometimes the web chat bubble will not be visible but that means that the queue is temporarily full. Web Chat is open from 9 to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
We are receiving high volumes of paper registrations, and it is currently taking up to 10 days to data-input and complete the processing of these registrations. We have a new RTB1 paper form since April, which you can download here.
Account Verification – Individual landlords
Remember, for verification of a landlord’s account, we require the PPS number, the Date of Birth, and the name as held by the Department of Social Protection (DSP), as the verification comes through their system. Please make sure that you are spelling the name the same way as on the DSP records. Do not put in abbreviations like PJ, if the name is Patrick Joseph.
When you are putting in tenants’ details into registration forms or online, it is NOT required to present PPS number and/or Date of Birth. You can proceed to register without this information. We would always strongly advise that you gather the PPS number of your tenant.
Annual Registration Information
If queries relate to Annual Registration,explanatory information is available here which you may find helpful.
You can only complete an annual registration from one month before the tenancy commencement date anniversary.
If you are making a new registration or an annual registration, a transition period is currently in place, meaning that any new registration or annual registration, has a window for payment up until and including 3rd August 2022.
If you have received correspondence from the RTB, requesting that you make an annual registration, please follow through the instructions in this letter.
If it is the first time that you have engaged with the RTB’s new online system, there are some steps that you will need to take to verify your account. To assist in this one-off account creation process, you may find the following information useful here.
If you are a business operating with a CRO-B number, please follow the instructions and go through the individual landlord route and quote your CRO-B number from there.
If you have a CRO-C number, please click through the company landlord route.
The Customer Services Team