RTB Rental Sector Survey Reports provides important comparative information and key insights for the Private Rental Sector

The purpose of this research, commissioned by the RTB and undertaken by Amárach Research is to establish an evidence base of data around the actions and intentions of landlords, tenants and letting agents across a range of thematic areas including - experiences in the rental sector, future intentions of landlords and tenants, profile of landlord and tenants, awareness of rights and responsibilities and rating of experiences of living and operating in the private rental sector.

Some of the insights from the quantitative and qualitative research include:

Speaking on the release of the reports, Director of the RTB, Niall Byrne commented: 'The RTB is highly committed to providing accurate information, research, data and insights. The RTB Rental Sector Survey reports published today provide important information which enhances the understanding of the profile as well as the concerns and intentions of landlords, tenants and letting agents in Ireland. This type of comparative research is important in identifying and monitoring trends across the rental sector. This research, together with insights gathered from the analysis of RTB register of tenancies demonstrates how the RTB is becoming an authoritative source of the types of reliable information required to inform policy.'

The first phase of this Rental Sector Survey research project began in September 2019 and was completed in December 2020. The second phase of the research project began in April 2022 and was completed in July 2023 and followed the same methodology to allow for robust comparability of results. This phase included a nationally representative face to face survey with 1,200 tenants across 150 sampling points, more than 800 telephone surveys with landlords, 143 web-based surveys with letting agents, and in-depth interviews medium landlords, large landlords and letting agents, as well as focus groups with tenants and landlords to supplement the research.

RTB Rental Sector Survey Reports 2023 can be accessed on the RTB website here.

For further queries, please contact:

Aimée Millar


(085) 179 2469