The Residential Tenancies (No.2) Act 2021 (RTA(2) 2021) (Act No. 17 of 2021) was signed into law on 9 July 2021, see here.

The Bill as passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas can be seen here.

The Residential Tenancies (No.2) Act 2021 (RTA(2) 2021) (Act No. 17 of 2021) was enacted and apart from section 6, came into operation on 9 July 2021. Section 6 which deals with rent setting came into operation on 16 July 2021.

The RTA(2) 2021: 

For further information on the PDRTA protections please click here. For information on all the other measures being introduced, please refer to the latest Government Guidance note, FAQ, the Rent Calculator and HICP Index Table click on the hyperlinks.  

This webpage will be updated over the coming days to provide further detail of what the legislation will entail.