Changes to the legislation introduced new responsibilities in 2019 for landlords. Where a landlord ended a tenancy that lasted more than six months, a copy of the NoT was required to be sent to the RTB within 28 days of the tenancy termination date as listed on the Notice.

From 6 July 2022, new legislation came into effect that requires landlords to send a copy of all NoTs to the RTB on the same day the Notice is served on the tenant. The NoT is invalid if this requirement is not met. Further information on this legislation and general information on Notices of Termination can be found here.

The data presented in the following charts relates to NoTs received by the RTB from Q3 2022 onwards. The data presented relates to the NoTs received via the standard and rent arrears processes. It is important to note data from Q3 2022 onwards is not comparable to data published in previous quarters due to changes in legislation. The data on NoTs received under the previous process from Q2 2019 - Q2 2022 can be found here

The RTB have created information sheets on the last four quarters NoT data, these are available to view and download by scrolling to the end of this page.

It is important to note the number of NoTs received should not be interpreted as directly correlating to one landlord/tenant/tenancy. For example, one NoT could be received which relates to multiple tenants in one tenancy or separate NoTs could be received for each tenant.

For further information on the data please contact

Figure 1: Notices of Termination Received by the RTB, Q3 2022* - Q4 2024

Figure 2: Notices of Termination Received by the RTB by Reason for Termination, Q3 2022* - Q4 2024

Figure 3: Notices of Termination Received by the RTB for Dublin, Q3 2022* - Q4 2024

Figure 4: Notices of Termination Received by the RTB for Dublin by Reason for Termination, Q3 2022* - Q4 2024

Figure 5: Notices of Termination Received by the RTB by County of Rental Address, Q4 2024*