What is a 'Missed Registration'?  

If a tenancy began before 24 December 2016, and has been existence for more than 4 years with one of the original tenants remaining, the tenancy registration must be renewed.   

If a tenancy began after 24 December 2016, and has been existence for more than 6 years with one of the original tenants remaining, the tenancy registration must be renewed.

Example: Tenancy commencement date is 01 Nov 2012.  

On the four-year anniversary, 01 Nov 2016, the tenancy registration must be renewed if the tenancy is still ongoing and at least one of the original tenants remains in the rented dwelling.    

On the next four-year anniversary, 01 Nov 2020, the tenancy registration must be renewed if the tenancy is still ongoing and at least one of the original tenants remains in the rented dwelling. As this tenancy will now have a tenancy commencement date after 24 December 2016, it will now be in a 6 year tenancy cycle.

Once at least one of the original tenants remains in the rented dwelling these cycles of renewal registrations for the tenancy will continue. If a landlord misses any of these cycles, then this is called a ‘Missed Registration’ and this missed registration must be registered retrospectively to bring the  registration recordup to date.  

In a scenario when you are registering only one missing tenancy cycle, for example the tenancy cycle beginning on 01 Nov 2016, you must answer ‘No’ to the question “Is this tenancy ongoing?” on the Dwelling details page.  

If you are a landlord who has not registered a tenancy that has multiple tenancy cycles, e.g., a tenancy that started in 2012 and is still in existence today but  never  registered with the RTB, to register this tenancy, you must enter the oldest tenancy first. When asked “Is this tenancy ongoing?” on the Dwelling Details page, answer “Yes” for both all old tenancy cycles, and “Yes” for the current tenancy cycle.   The system will then automatically create subsequent tenancy registration records for you. After this step, you will be prompted to view each tenancy registration record and verify or the update the information it contains.  The rent amount may need to be updated if it has changed over time.   


How do I register my tenancy through my RTB online account if I have a missed registration? 

Click 'Create Registration' button on your online account homepage. The tenancy commencement date you need to enter is the date of the beginning of the missed cycle.  

Using the example above if a landlord missed the middle tenancy cycle which began on 01 Nov 2016, the landlord  needs to enter the date 01 Nov 2016, in order to register the missed tenancy registration.  

Guidance on how to register a tenancy using your online account is available here.  

Information on how the RTB will communicate with you can be found here


What fees will I have to pay?  

If a tenancy has not been registered within one month of the beginning of the tenancy a late fee will apply. Information on fees due for tenancy registration can be found here

Further information on tenancy registration can be found here.